Suitable for all those who are in the beginning of their training journey or who want to learn agility and want to be alone in the lesson. Individual training is also suitable for clients who need to solve a specific problem.
Group training socialization walks are the closest to every day reality. They are suitable for teams that have passed the basics and are ready to test them among the other dogs.
Lessons take place in two teams with a maximum individual approach and is suitable for beginners or even advanced students. Just log in, make a reservation and get started.
Sometimes I look after the dogs of clients I already know. Pet sitting takes place in home environment. Dogs are in every day contact with my dog. They usually spend their days with me at the training field or I take them out on a trip.
The training center is located in Modřany, where agility and obedience lessons take place. Group walks and some individual trainings are based in near Cholupický les.
Individual lessons in the field and group training walks take place usually in Spořilov (Prague 4)
Your place
By mutual agreement and if the situation requires it, it is possible to carry out training and consultation within Prague and at your home or in your surroundings.

About me
My name is Barbora Opltová and I have been training dogs professionally since 2015, when the Zapni psa training center was founded, where most of my lessons take place. Until then, training was only my hobby, but even during this time I gained a lot of knowledge and experience. I grew up with a dog since I was 5 years old, it was a female Lhasa Apso social breed, however, I learned the most from my two Border Collie females and this is also reflected in my work with dogs.
My goal is for clients not only to learn something from me, but also to enjoy the training sessions. I don’t have many lessons listed, I prefer quality over quantity.
I do agility and I enjoy working with working dogs. I like to include criteria for coping with frustration, maximum concentration and drive.
My training is also suitable for clients who not only want a canine companion for walks, but who want to form a great agility team with their dog and eventually become one of our members.
from 2009 to the present – Regular training and agility intensives with great Czech trainers: Kristina Půdová, Jitka Maroušková, Aneta Obrusníková, Bára Škarnitzlová, Sabina Šťastná, Bára Lerlová, Markéta Adam, Eliška Dolníčková and others.
2017 Online agility training program of the Finnish group Oneminddogs – the Finns were the top in agility at one time. Their methodology is mainly focused on precise handling.
2018 Learning Theory Applied with Jane Crary – theory and practice regarding positive dog training. I see this course as valuable because it made sense and connected a lot of information.
2019 Understanding Canine Behavior with Barbara Handelman – a course focused on dog behavior and communication. I think this topic is very broad and every dog is different. I definitely plan to continue my education.
2019 Pet First Aid and CPR with Barbara Handelman – This is first aid for dogs. The course was useful in terms of information, however I hope I never need it.
2020 Talk: How to reliably summon with Martin Laco – The talk was very beneficial for me in terms of information, especially with regard to the importance of motivation during training.
2020 Sugar and whip seminar with Martin Laco – Martin is a certified supporter of the NePoPo system. I was interested in what the system is based on and how it works. I agree with a lot of the ideas of the system, however I think it is suitable for very experienced handlers as it can cause a lot of damage if not understood.
2020 Fear of aggression and problem behavior in dogs in practice and theory with František Šusta – František Šusta presents himself primarily as an animal trainer. He is well versed in the theory and practice of training, and his knowledge is enriching.
2021 Oneminddogs Puppy training program – I joined this program mainly to see if I could learn some new training tips. I especially like the simplicity with which the training program can convey relevant information to people.
2022 Online course for trainers by Robert Zlocha – Robert is a very systematic trainer. The course is very well developed audiovisually.
Contact me
You can call me on +420 604 841 511, or send me an email: